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New service users info

Whilst we're keen to support as many brain injury survivors as possible we do have referral criteria for new service users. This is to make sure service users get the appropriate support whether that be through Headway South Bucks or another local organisation. 

You can see our referral criteria elsewhere on this page. 

If, having read through the referral critera, you feel that Headway South Bucks' Resource Centre may be of interest to you, please fill out and submit the online form below, or use the downloadable form at the bottom of this page. 

Please be aware that information entered into the online form below will be sent via unencrypted email to our Administrator, and the information will only be stored for the purposes of replying to the enquiry. Our full Privacy Policy (GDPR) can be read here. If you are in any way uncomfortable with this process, then please download and print the form at the bottom of this page, and send it via post.​​


Our Services Manager will review the application form and if you meet the criteria, you will be invited along to the resource centre to meet everyone and talk through how the centre might work for you. If the centre has reached capacity at any point, you would still be invited for a visit, and you would then be placed on a waiting list.

Referral criteria

​New service users must: 

  1. Be recovering from a non-degenerative brain injury acquired since birth. This could be a result of traumatic head injury, tumour, haemorrhage or anoxia or other neurological conditions such as encephalitis or stroke.

  2. Be ready to attend a Resource Centre and would benefit from the opportunities given and is able to cope within an active, social environment;

  3. Over the age of 18

  4. Live within Buckinghamshire or sounding areas.

  5. Have a funding source

  6. Be able to travel to and from the Resource Centre*

  7. Be medically ready to attend the Resource Centre*:

    1. Must be able to self-medicate if necessary;

    2. Must be able to transfer manageably, without the need for lifting / hoist.

    3. Able to self-toilet

* Headway South Bucks staff and volunteers are unable to carry out personal care or provide transport.

Clients are always welcome to bring their own carer to provide this assistance.


Rates are available on application from our Services Manager. Please fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Please note that if a client takes a place at HSB, they are expected to attend regularly to fully benefit from the sessions and activities. Many of our clients receive funding from their local health or social services authority to pay the HSB fees whilst others are self-funding.

Make a referral

Applicant Details

Relationship to Potential Client

Client Details

Date of Birth
How did you hear about Headway South Bucks?
This website
Headway UK
Another Headway Branch
Word of Mouth
Headway Helpline
Google Search
Social Prescriber
Healthcare professional
At an Event

''Headway South Bucks has opened doors for me. What I've lost [through my brain injury], they are helping to bring back''

Headway South Bucks Service User


Who can make a referral?

Service users can make a self referral if they wish. We also accept referrals from GPs, social workers, social prescribers and family members. 

What happen if a referral isn't suitable?

We will do our best to signpost towards other alternative services and support options. 

Can you help me source funding?
A photo of a male service user holding a piece of a F1 car chair. The logos for VISA, Mobil1 and feature on the equipment

Unfortunately we are unable to advise on funding opportunities. Organisations such as Citizens Advice may be able to help along with local social workers. 

Can I visit the centre?

Of course, any new service users are welcome to come visit the centre. Please note this is by appointment only. 

Do I have to attend all three days?

No, you are welcome to attend between one and three days depending on availability. Service users attend on a regular day(s) each week. 

How will Headway South Bucks assess and cater to service users' needs? 

All new prospective service users are invited to the centre for an initial assessment. During this assessment we will discuss individual service users' needs and establish whether Headway South Bucks is the most appropriate service.

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